Tuesday, December 11, 2012

My Favorite Christmas Song

My favorite Christmas song is a little silly. Before I came to love this song it was "All I want for Christmas is You" by one Ms Mariah Carey and I would blast it upon waking up the day after Thanksgiving. But then I found this: 

You go girl, dream the impossible! 

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Peppermint Bark

     Peppermint is one my favorite things about the holidays. It just seems to be everywhere! So of course I love me some peppermint bark and no one on my opinion does it better than Ghirardelli.  As a DIYer I found myself wanting to try my hand at making some. With some help from Ms. Paula Dean ya'll, here is a tried and true recipe for peppermint bark.

What you'll need:

* Enough crushed candy canes to equal 1 cup.
     (If you are not up for crushing candy canes they now come in handy dandy bags, already crushed. I think it turned my bark pink and didn't quite give that satisfying crunch, but it works just the same )

* 2 pounds white chocolate...32 ounces.

***If you bought the pre-crushed candy canes, skip step one***
1.) Place candy canes in ziploc bag and crush into small bits.

2.) Melt white chocolate in double boiler. I don't own a double boiler but I do have pots and a handy heat resistant bowl. To create the double boiler effect, you will want to make sure that that the bowl can rest on the lip of the pot without touching the water. Here's what I used for reference: http://www.ehow.com/way_5240731_can-substitute-double-boiler_.html

3.) Fold in candy into chocolate. 

4.) Cover cookie sheet with wax or parchment paper. Pour mixture onto sheet and pop it into the fridge for 45 minutes or until firm.

5.) Brake into small pieces and EAT!

Super easy, very addictive. 

Saturday, December 1, 2012

25 days of Christmas!


Welcome to the 25 days of Christmas blog series! I love Christmas. It's not about the presents but the feelings  of good cheer during the season. I thought what better way to celebrate the holidays than to share the things I love about the Christmas? From now until the 25th I will be showcasing my favorite decorations/crafts, treats and handmade/vintage gifts for the holiday season! Stick around!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

A postcard's worth 1000 words

A postcard can make you feel professional. A postcard and can make you feel loved. A postcard is worth a thousand words.

WinchesterLambourne (http://www.etsy.com/shop/WinchesterLambourne) designed this postcard for me and I am such a fan of their work. I'm a little biased: the lovely labels I hand sew into each of my items is their desgin as well. What I love about Winchester's work is that it's always 100 times better than what I could imagine. I don't always go in with my plan fully fleshed out but somehow they draw out the details and create something simply wonderful. 

Sunday, April 15, 2012

New Listing in le Shoppe

If you've been checking out my shop this past week you might have noticed some snazzy new items. My dear friend Sammy was kind enough to model some of my wares and I think that turned out quite lovely.  The first item I listed was my new mustache clutch. One of my teams on Etsy is Mom's Basement, a great team devoted to all things geeky, is doing a swap and I made the clutch for this occasion. The person I'm making this for wanted a bag/purse and like a good mustache. I have been dying to put a mustache on something so this was pretty exciting for me. I also had to put in a fabric lining which is new for me. I usually try to avoid those projects, as much as I love to sew. Something about meshing the 2 that irks me. Anyway, here is the finished product:

Happy Monday!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Blinded! By Science!

This is probably one of the top 10 geekiest things I will every blog about. I would say number one but I'm still a huge Doctor Who fan and let's be honest, the Doctor comes first. Any way, my co-worker today was telling my about how around the spring equinox, gravity get a little wonky (yes that's the technical term) and a broom will stand up by it's self!!!!!!!!! Just hearing this, I got geeked out. So I got home from work, puttered around, took a nap, went to the gym, started to make dinner and I remembered! It took me a couple of tries to get it to stand up but it worked! I started timing it around 10:25 and that was 50 MINUTES AGO!!!! My dad was not as thrilled as I was. This is totally cool. Maybe it's the teacher in me, but I really want to create an experiment around this.

How cool is this???!!!!!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Feature in Pregnancy & Newborn Magazine!

About 3 months ago, around my birthday I got a very intriguing convo on etsy. It was from a woman who worked at Pregnany & Newborn Magazine (www.pnmag.com). She had seen my Turquoise and bib on etsy and wanted to know if I would send it to them to me possible used in a baby fashion spread. 

After checking out they're site and magazine I decided to give it a go. The spread was due to come out in February and I wouldn't know for sure that it would be used until January but I was beyond excited anyway. Last week the issue came out and low and behold there was my bib! The lovely people over at P&N were very kind to send the images for my own use so with out much further ado, my first magazine feature (Check out the 4th photo)!

This is it! Check out the handsome gentleman on the left!!!

Buy the magazine! On newsstands now! pnmag.com.